Sexual Health Education
One-to-one Sexual Health Education is provided and made available to all individuals regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, physical/ cognitive abilities, religious background or other such characteristics.
Individual support around Sex Positive Parenting, as well, workshop format, are available to Parents, Caregivers, and Agencies. Training can be specifically developed to meet the needs of the parent/caregiver/agency.
Sex-Positive Parenting Series – online format – maximum 10 participants Sexual Health Educator, Airial Clatney (PgCSHealth), will provide educational, empowering and inclusive content on how parents of children with Special Needs can take a sex-positive approach to parenting. This series of presentations will provide comprehensive information on how you can protect and empower your children through education, as well as a safe and open discussion platform where participants can voice their challenges, concerns, experiences and questions — free of judgement!
This will be a series of 4 - 2 hour sessions that will involve both education and discussion, along with educational handouts and resources:
Session 1: Sex Positive Parenting 101: Introduction - You can expect a comprehensive presentation on how you can protect and empower your children through sex-positive education, including tips and tricks for communication, role modelling behaviour and attitudes. Relevant topics include boundaries, language, consent, and much more.
Session 2: Internet Safety and Social Media Use - You can expect an overview of general internet safety tailored to children who have and parents of children who have neuro-diverse abilities. Specific topics about social media will be discussed and broken down and the second half of the session will focus on your questions and concerns relating to pornography.
Session 3: Shame - techniques and resources for navigating shame and use for nontriggering/trauma-informed language — This will be an incredibly valuable session where you can expect to learn all about shame-free communication with your kids. This session will look at helpful language that you can use that will encourage your kids to come to you in more serious scenarios relating to sexuality — this will give you the tools to truly empower your child to express their sexuality in a safe and fulfilling way, despite any adversities that they may face.
Session 4: Open Discussion – Q & A/ discussion - You can expect a safe and inclusive setting where you won’t need to hold back. Questions, experiences and concerns will be encouraged, and this will be your space to voice any last curiosities that you may have, and a space to gain support, free of any shame or judgemental attitudes. Keep in mind that this space is a sex-positive space where any discrimination or harmful comments will not be tolerated. This is a space of exploration and creativity where we will come together, discuss what we’ve learned throughout the series, and how we can utilize these skills in practical ways.
Both individual education, as well, workshop series, is eligible under the Autism Funding.